It’s time for you to free yourself from your daily stressors and escape to Rainbow Trail for some spiritual freedom, fellowship, and fun! Be prepared to meet some incredible women.

Register early! Call your best gal pals, staff alumni sisters, church buddies, neighbor that God has been nudging you about. But do it soon… registration will go fast!

2024 Speaker: Missie Bonser, with help from Traci Dorth

2024 Theme: The Wilderness Within: Discovering Yourself and Community Through the Enneagram

(see more info below!)



September 27 – 29, 2024

Beginning with check-in by 6pm on Friday and ending with brunch at 10am on Sunday.

Optional Personal Retreat September 26th

Come a day early and experience some personal time and rest in the mountains! Check in anytime after 1pm on Thursday, September 26th and enjoy a soup & salad dinner, breakfast bar, and small lunch. Use any of our self guided activities such as hikes, labyrinth, disc golf, puzzles & games, and porch sitting.



4:00pm Registration begins 

6:00pm Soup and Salad Dinner

7:30pm Speaker Session

8:30pm Craft & Fellowship


8:00am Breakfast

9:00am Morning Activity

10:00am Speaker Session

12:00pm Lunch

1:00pm Free time activities

               Hiking, Yoga, Zumba, High Ropes, Archery, Pop Shop

5:30pm  Dinner

7:00pm Worship 

8:00pm Fellowship & Evening Activity


7:00am Cereal Bar available

7:30am  Holy Yoga 

8:30am Worship with Communion 

9:30am Brunch

10:30am Departure



I am an ELCA Deacon (currently free ranging and leaning into God for next things) and RTLC camper, staff and congregational leader alumni. Rainbow Trail is one of my top three sacred spaces- where I met my hubs of 34 years (Howard), where my young adult children (Ben, Noah and Eden) were claimed in the water, loved into their own camper and staff journeys and where scores of kiddos who grew up under the branches of ministry where I served for 28 years walked through their “Wilderness Within” discovering themselves and God’s calling on their lives as they continued the legacy of serving on the mountain.

I have been in my own personal wilderness time since 2022: Moving across country (and taking a hiatus from years of RTLC Women’s Retreats) to serve as a director at Lutherrock, a camp in the Blue Ridge Mts of NC, and then coming home for a stint doing Development work for a global non-profit based in the Springs. God is still opening and closing doors, making crooked paths straight and surrounding me in comfort and daily gratitude for who He shaped me to be (a zippy 7 with a strong 8 wing.)

I love beaches (hence NC), great worship music, sunsets, yummy flatbread from our pizza oven, bougie coffee around a table with good friends, laughter and traveling the world to encounter the other 8 numbers face to face.


The Wilderness Within: Discovering Yourself and Community Through the Enneagram.

Scripture focus:

Romans 12:2 – “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is- his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

Philippians 4:6-7 – “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Ephesians 4:2-3 – “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”

To me, these three lead us on a path of discovery: 1. Recognizing and understanding who we are through the lens of Enneagram and the mirror of discipleship. 2. Releasing fear or anxiety about what we are NOT and growing through the strength and equipping of God into who we ARE. 3. Restoring relationships that have been damaged or fractured by not knowing and loving ourselves.

Registration Deadline: September 13, 2024 Registration is open!


$50 – Extra Day Personal Retreat

$150 – Cabin Price*

$170 – Bristlecone Lodge*

*Fee covers all food, lodging, and retreat extras 
Full time students qualify for a special rate of

2024 Women’s Retreat Welcome Packet for more information regarding a packing list, directions to camp, and FAQs!

Questions? Contact Delta at or (719) 276-5233.
